What is Power Flushing?
If you are looking for power flushing London then look no further, our team here at Power Flush London are here to help. If you live in London and have never heard of the term 'power flushing' or 'jet flushing', we have outlined a brief explanation below. Over time, many central heating systems in the London area have become less efficient due to the build up of 'sludge' caused by internal erosion. Power flushing, using modern purpose built equipment is the term used to explain the process which cleanses and improves the efficiency of central heating systems. This modern and very effective process works by pumping water at high pressure throughout the entire central heating system. The water is circulated over and over again to totally clean the system from the inside. It can usually be done in less than a day.
Power Flushing London
This modern cleansing process loosens deposits accumulating in the system formed by internal corrosion of the radiators and pipes. Once they are loosened, they are then placed in 'suspension in the fast flowing water and flushed out of the system. To make the process more effective, specially formulated chemicals are mixed with the water, which helps to loosen any deposits much faster. In addition, the power flushing machine has a 'reverse flow' option to create turbulence in the radiators, to ensure the removal of any really thick sludge that may otherwise be difficult to eradicate.

There is no need for any major upheaval as once the power flush has been done, the central heating system should be OK to turn on around 20-25 minutes afterwards.
As well as making older central heating systems more efficient, power flushing is often used to clean out new central heating systems. The power flush will get rid of any flux, swarf, grease and oil that are utilised to stop internal rusting of before the system is used.
Power Flush London use the Jetflush Sentinel 4, which is one of the most powerful jet flushing machines on the market today. This means we can carry out a comprehensive power flush in one day.
When To Power Flush?
When to Power Flush a central heating system is a question we are frequently asked by homeowners across London. Unfortunately, there is no 'right time' to power flush but it is better done late rather than never as the cost of not doing so could be considerable.
There are many different types of central heating systems as well as numerous makes of boiler. Every one of them is susceptible to the build up of 'sludge' within the system over time and we often get asked to power flush recently installed central heating systems as well as ones that have been in place for years. However, to ensure your central heating system works as best it can, there are certain signs you should be looking out for. We have detailed a few of these below:
Signs that your system may require a power flush:
Cold patches at base of radiators caused by sludge accumulation
Muddy looking brown water released while bleeding the system means internal corrosion
Cold or lukewarm radiators caused by blocked valves and pipes
Banging' or 'loud' boiler due to accumulation of sludge or limescale
Lack of hot water when system apears to be on due to blocked pipes
Poor circulation of water due to blocked boiler pump
Cold areas at top of radiators caused by rusting and consequent release of gas

It is well worth power flushing a new central heating system before any new boiler is fitted. Many newly installed systems may have areas of corrosion and a build up of sludge, even if no problems with water flow within the system have started.
It is pretty certain that a power flush can make a considerable difference to the efficiency of a central heating if there has been a large build up of sludge and other corrosive deposits in the system over time. What is very satisfying to us, is hearing from our customers, who see much lower heating costs once there central heating system has been power flushed.
Get A Quote On A Power Flush
Our power flushing service is available to customers throughout every borough in London. Call now to book in your power flush.
0800 849 130807726 279 849

Why Choose Us?
• Friendly & Reliable Service
• Serving The Whole Of London
• Power Flush Experts
• Gas Safe Registered
• Free Quotes Available
Services We Offer:
• Power Flushing
• MagnaClean Filters
• Boiler Servicing
• Landlord Certificates
• New Boiler Installations
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0800 849 1308
07726 279 849
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